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How to Download free full dvd Movies on the Net

| Monday, November 10

or movie buffs who prefer to stay at home rather than go to movie houses, going online is probably the best option. You can go to online rental sites and look for that recently released DVD. Or better yet, download movies directly from movie sites. If you think that downloading one whole movie is just too good to be true, then you should think again. A lot of people are reaping that benefits of the internet—from MP3s to video clips and, yes, movies. So do you know where to start? The first thing that you must learn is how to download movies on the net.

There are plenty of ways to download movies online so it’s best to start with the simplest.

If you know the title of the movie you want to download, you can just use a search engine and key in the title plus the word “download”. The search engine will list all related links. You can open all these links if you are not in a hurry so that you’ll know whether the movie file you want to download has been successfully downloaded by other users in the past. This is important because through a user rating one will know the quality of a file—you can never go wrong with a file that has been downloaded by a lot of online users. Remember that part of learning how to download movies on the net is to be vigilant about bogus files that could pose threat to our PCs. The easiest way to know whether a movie file is of good quality or not is by looking at its file size. A single video CD can record up to 700 megabytes (and you would usually require 2 video CDs or more to record one whole movie) while a single DVD disc has a capacity of over 4 gigabytes. So a quality video file is anything between 1GB and 4GB. If you have a broadband connection of at least 1Mbps, then you should be finished downloading within the day.

Another thing worth noting when you want to learn more on how to download movies on the net is the use of torrent engines. Using the basic principle of search engines, torrent engines looks for torrent movie files—concatenated parts of a single file that can be shared and copied by online users (if a user is offline, then his torrents will not be available for download). Since this is user-based, a successful download can be measured by the number of seeders as opposed to the number of leechers. A good internet connection is not enough, you have to choose the file with a bigger seeder-over-leecher ratio.

These are just some of the tips on how to download movies on the net. And there are countless of possibilities for you to enjoy your favorite movies online. All it takes is a stable internet connection and patience—because movie downloading can take hours or even days.

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or movie buffs who prefer to stay at home rather than go to movie houses, going online is probably the best option. You can go to online rental sites and look for that recently released DVD. Or better yet, download movies directly from movie sites. If you think that downloading one whole movie is just too good to be true, then you should think again. A lot of people are reaping that benefits of the internet—from MP3s to video clips and, yes, movies. So do you know where to start? The first thing that you must learn is how to download movies on the net.

There are plenty of ways to download movies online so it’s best to start with the simplest.

If you know the title of the movie you want to download, you can just use a search engine and key in the title plus the word “download”. The search engine will list all related links. You can open all these links if you are not in a hurry so that you’ll know whether the movie file you want to download has been successfully downloaded by other users in the past. This is important because through a user rating one will know the quality of a file—you can never go wrong with a file that has been downloaded by a lot of online users. Remember that part of learning how to download movies on the net is to be vigilant about bogus files that could pose threat to our PCs. The easiest way to know whether a movie file is of good quality or not is by looking at its file size. A single video CD can record up to 700 megabytes (and you would usually require 2 video CDs or more to record one whole movie) while a single DVD disc has a capacity of over 4 gigabytes. So a quality video file is anything between 1GB and 4GB. If you have a broadband connection of at least 1Mbps, then you should be finished downloading within the day.

Another thing worth noting when you want to learn more on how to download movies on the net is the use of torrent engines. Using the basic principle of search engines, torrent engines looks for torrent movie files—concatenated parts of a single file that can be shared and copied by online users (if a user is offline, then his torrents will not be available for download). Since this is user-based, a successful download can be measured by the number of seeders as opposed to the number of leechers. A good internet connection is not enough, you have to choose the file with a bigger seeder-over-leecher ratio.

These are just some of the tips on how to download movies on the net. And there are countless of possibilities for you to enjoy your favorite movies online. All it takes is a stable internet connection and patience—because movie downloading can take hours or even days.

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